I grew up in a home committed to the service of others. My mother was a teacher and my father was a pastor. My parents instilled two fundamental values in me and my five siblings: first, leave the world better than you found it, and second, if you can help - do it. “Make a difference,” is the advice my father often gave us. Thanks to the love and guidance of my parents, I have many great memories of visiting nursing homes, participating in neighborhood beautification projects, serving meals on holidays, and bringing a smile to those in need. In short, we were making a difference.
As an adult the seeds that my parents planted in me bore fruit. As a professional, I began striving to leave the world better than I found it by overseeing the delivery of wraparound services at a hospital for seven years and then entering the world of public education. In 2006, I began teaching social studies at Frayser High School. This began a decade-plus career of serving in the sphere of public education in Memphis. During that time I have founded and led a public charter school; I led the organization which trained principals to lead Shelby County Schools and public charter schools, and I oversaw turnaround efforts of schools in the Frayser community.
I am running to serve the people of Memphis as the representative for City Council District 9, Position 2. As a Memphian I believe the values that I was raised with mirror the values of my fellow Memphians. If elected I will continue working to ensure that the City of Memphis has a world class ecosystem of quality education, that it’s citizens feel safe, and that we continue to create and attract the types of jobs that will sustain our economy throughout the 21st century and beyond. As your representative I will listen to you, I will learn from you, and I will lead for you.
Our journey won’t be easy, but leadership rarely is. Memphis is a city worth fighting for. Our vision is one worth sacrificing for. Each one of you and each member of your family, along with my wife, Kim, and my daughter, Imani, deserves leadership that you can trust. Support me, and together we can make a difference!

Tim Ware, a former teacher, principal and educational leader, is continuing to serve his community by running for the Memphis City Council Super District 9, Position 2 seat. He is a tireless champion for creating a world class system of schools in Memphis, an advocate for safe communities, and is committed to the continued growth of high-quality jobs in the city.
Ware has spent nearly 20 years in public service, beginning with his oversight of wraparound services to the community. In 2006, he entered the world of public education as a social studies teacher in the Frayser community. In the twelve years since he has served as a principal, Ware has directed the training of principals, and worked for the Tennessee Department of Education overseeing turnaround efforts in the same community where his teaching career began. Ware was named a 2016 Presidential Leadership Scholars Fellow and currently serves as a strategy consultant to educational institutions, non-profits and corporations.
Tim Ware fights to ensure that Memphis invests in education, fosters healthy and safe communities, and attracts, retains and develops the types of jobs our citizens deserve.